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Romania Map

Analysing social orientation in Romania

In terms of potential of social orientation courses/modules in Romania to install culture of respect to law, zero tolerance to racism and xenophobia and lead to empowerment against such acts, there are textbooks and workbooks being designed, according to age…

Austria Map

Analysing social orientation in Austria

The concept and curricula of the obligatory AIF social orientation courses and value workshops in Austria have been subject of critical discussions. Main critics say that the performance and the obligation of the target group is paramount and already the…

Greece Map

Analysing social orientation in Greece

There are no statistics available on the number of people covered by Greek language courses, the only form of social orientation foreigners get so far. Nevertheless, due to its limited extent the programme covers only a very small proportion of…

Belgium Map

Analysing social orientation in Belgium

In Flanders, the ability and the capacity of the social orientation system to raise awareness and to effectively equip beneficiaries against acts of racism and xenophobia remains limited. Raising awareness and creating clarity concerning racism and xenophobia might be successful…

Bulgaria Map

Analysing social orientation in Bulgaria

Current sporadic social orientation efforts in Bulgaria do not show sufficient capacity to counter racist and xenophobic acts either in terms of coverage, as the groups reached are very small, or in terms of regularity, as those are project-based initiatives,…

Mapping social orientation in the Netherlands

The overview of social orientation in the Netherlands concentrates on the civic integration policy focusing on the integration of migrants present in the Netherlands. Immigrants are invited or obliged to learn Dutch and to learn about life in the Netherlands.…

About Background

Mapping social orientation in Portugal

Both public (national or local) and private entities, including NGOs, may be responsible for providing social orientation in Portugal as no restrictions to this end are imposed by law. Different funding frameworks are in place, including the European Social Fund…

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