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Welcoming programme – Estonia

The Estonian Welcoming Programme is implemented in Tallinn, Tartu and Narva by a company, contracted by the Ministry of the Interior of Estonia. Local municipalities, universities, NGOs and entrepreneurs are considered consulting partners. In 2014, Estonia did not yet have…


InLT – Lithuania

The Refugee and Migrant Integration Centre InLT is situated in Kaunas and is implemented by the Lithuanian Red Cross Society. A Refugee Day Centre in Kaunas was established already in 2004 with an aim to facilitate integration of beneficiaries of…

Social mentors – Latvia

The support of social workers and social mentors for asylum seekers and status holders in Latvia is implemented by Society Integration Foundation, the Latvian Red Cross and the Association Shelter "Safe House". This service was introduced along with Latvia's joining…


REACT_RO – Romania

REACT_RO are educational resources for learning Romanian language and cultural adjustment, implemented in Bucharest, Timisoara, Somcuta, Radauti, Galati and Giurgiu. The initiative is implemented and supported by the Intercultural Institute of Timisoara, the Romanian Immigration Inspectorate, the International Organisation for Migration…

Weichenstellwerk – Graz

The initiative is implemented by Association Gemeinsam Sicher (Safe Together) and the Municipality of Graz. Initially, there was a lot of presence of Afghan and Syrian asylum seekers in a park in Graz. The people in the neighbourhood felt insecure.…

Start Wien

Start Wien is aimed at quick orientation and sharing of important information in the target group's mother tongues, support in accessing German language courses and counselling on the first important steps in Vienna according to the individual needs. It is…

miHUB – Cyprus

Migrant Information Centres (MIC) – miHUB - have been implemented and supported by University of Nicosia, Cyprus University of Technology and CARDET. The aim of the project is the provision of information and psychosocial services to migrants that reside in…

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