RACCOMBAT second progress meeting and stakeholder workshop
Austrian, Bulgarian, Greek, Latvian, Belgian and Romanian project partners and stakeholders gathered for a second time in November 2018 in Graz, Austria for a stakeholder workshop, led and organised by partner ETC Graz. Leading good practices were presented from 10 EU Member States. Lively discussions held place as to what makes a practice a good practices, how to make a practice sustainable and how to reach target audiences in the most effective way. A project progress meeting was also held, as well as a study visit to Weichenstellwerk Graz where stakeholders from all project partner countries got acquainted with this grassroots initiative with already significant influence on the city’s multicultural character. A special presentation was heard from Start Wien, where participants got acquainted with the multitude of aspects in which the initiative helps Vienna newcomers settle in their new city and country.