MORE ABOUT Association Pro Refugiu
Pro Refugiu Association is a non-governmental organisation with headquarters in Bucharest, Romania, formed in early 2011 from the initiative of a group of specialists in assisting victims of human trafficking, asylum seekers and refugees.
Since its beginning the organisation has followed a work philosophy based on protection and promotion of the rights for victims of human trafficking, asylum seekers, refugees, according to the national and international standards. The organisation is providing counselling and assistance for the target groups, organizes trainings for legal, social and health professionals, develops studies on human trafficking and migration phenomenon, advocates for the improvement of the legal framework concerning victims and migrants’ rights. The organisation has sustainable cooperation with multiple stakeholders at national and EU level and is also member of the EU Civil Society Platform against Trafficking in Human Beings, the Fundamental Rights Platform of the European Union Agency for Fundamental Rights, the Global Alliance against Traffic in Women.
Silvia Berbec
Ms. Silvia Berbec is the President of Pro Refugiu Association and also a lawyer in the Bucharest Bar, specialised in criminal law and refugee law. Over the years she has actively participated in events organized by UNHCR Romania and by the National Agency against Trafficking in Persons having as objectives to improve the legislation on asylum and refugee status determination and to ensure a better rights protection for victims of human trafficking. As legal expert she was also involved in elaborating country reports on migration, criminal law framework and jurisprudence, on behalf of the Romanian National Focal Point within FRANET network.
Smaranda Witec
Dr Smaranda Witec is Vice-dean ( March 2016) of the Faculty of Sociology and Social Work, University of Bucharest, Romania, PhD Lecturer, member of the Executive Board of the National College of Social Workers (2005-2006) and of the Advisory Committee and Assessment, National College of Social Workers (since 2005), vice-president of Bucharest Territorial Structure of the National College of Social Workers (since 2013) and board executive member of “ Together” Community Development Agency ( Agentia de Dezvoltare Comunitara Impreuna).
She graduated the Faculty of Sociology, Psychology, Pedagogy and Social Work at the University of Bucharest (2000) and the Master program of Justice Administration at the Faculty of Sociology and Social Work, University of Bucharest (2002).
She has substantial experience as a teacher, trainer, researcher and author of training manuals, research reports, studies and professional articles in the fields of refugees, needs of children and youth, Roma population, child protection, social work, emergency needs of children and adolescents, development of professionals involved in child protection. She has served as coordinator and national and international expert in projects financed by UNICEF, USAID, various national institutions.