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RACCOMBAT training in Romania

The RACCOMBAT training in Bucharest, Romania gathered participants from institutions and organisations with competencies in refugees’ and migrants integration in Romania. The seminar started with an overview presentation of the project and continued with topics such as: individual and collective…

RACCOMBAT final conference

On 15 May 2019 the Center for the Study of Democracy held the RACCOMBAT international conference devoted to integration of foreigners and the prevention of racism, xenophobia and intolerance. The conference gathered representatives of social services, the Employment Agency, the…


REACT_RO – Romania

REACT_RO are educational resources for learning Romanian language and cultural adjustment, implemented in Bucharest, Timisoara, Somcuta, Radauti, Galati and Giurgiu. The initiative is implemented and supported by the Intercultural Institute of Timisoara, the Romanian Immigration Inspectorate, the International Organisation for Migration…

Talk with me

The initiative Talk with Me – Voluntary Language Mentors for Refugees was implemented on local level in Bulgaria, Germany and Romania, by, respectively, Tulip Foundation, Bulgaria, Gemeinsam leben & lernen in Europa, Germany and Centrul de Voluntariat Cluj-Napoca, Romania. The main…

My place – Romania

In Bucharest, JRS Romania has implemented  My Place - a multifunctional cultural centre serving as a bridge for integrating third country nationals in Romania. The idea behind this initiative was to create a multifunctional centre that can bring together TCNs,…

Romania Map

Analysing social orientation in Romania

In terms of potential of social orientation courses/modules in Romania to install culture of respect to law, zero tolerance to racism and xenophobia and lead to empowerment against such acts, there are textbooks and workbooks being designed, according to age…

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