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RACCOMBAT training in Greece

The RACCOMBAT workshop in Greece on combating racism and xenophobia through social orientation practices took place in Athens on 28 March 2019. The aim of the workshop was to present the guidelines drafted under the project, to discuss identified good…

RACCOMBAT final conference

On 15 May 2019 the Center for the Study of Democracy held the RACCOMBAT international conference devoted to integration of foreigners and the prevention of racism, xenophobia and intolerance. The conference gathered representatives of social services, the Employment Agency, the…

Metadrasi – Greece

Greek language courses have been offered in Athens by the organisation METAdrasi. Since September 2010, METAdrasi has been active in teaching Greek as a foreign language to asylum seekers and refugees. This activity differs from the usual language teaching methods since…

Greece Map

Analysing social orientation in Greece

There are no statistics available on the number of people covered by Greek language courses, the only form of social orientation foreigners get so far. Nevertheless, due to its limited extent the programme covers only a very small proportion of…

Greece Map

Mapping social orientation in Greece

As from  2015, Greece experienced an unprecedented influx of migrants and refugees. Until March 2016, Greece being a transit country rather than destination country, its main policy investments focused on reception rather than integration measures. The closure of the border…

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