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RACCOMBAT training in Austria

The RACCOMBAT training in Austria took place in Vienna, in the premises of Municipal Department for Integration and Diversity on 9 April 2019. Ms Ursula Eltayeb provided an introduction into the city of Vienna’s services for newcomers, how these services…

RACCOMBAT final conference

On 15 May 2019 the Center for the Study of Democracy held the RACCOMBAT international conference devoted to integration of foreigners and the prevention of racism, xenophobia and intolerance. The conference gathered representatives of social services, the Employment Agency, the…

Weichenstellwerk – Graz

The initiative is implemented by Association Gemeinsam Sicher (Safe Together) and the Municipality of Graz. Initially, there was a lot of presence of Afghan and Syrian asylum seekers in a park in Graz. The people in the neighbourhood felt insecure.…

Start Wien

Start Wien is aimed at quick orientation and sharing of important information in the target group's mother tongues, support in accessing German language courses and counselling on the first important steps in Vienna according to the individual needs. It is…

Austria Map

Analysing social orientation in Austria

The concept and curricula of the obligatory AIF social orientation courses and value workshops in Austria have been subject of critical discussions. Main critics say that the performance and the obligation of the target group is paramount and already the…

Austria Map

Mapping social orientation in Austria

In the autumn of 2015, as a result of the refugee flows, the Austrian Parliament decided to establish value and orientation courses for refugees and subsidiary protection status holders and to offer them via the ÖIF (Austrian Integration Fund). The…

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