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RACCOMBAT training in Belgium

On Friday 29 March 2019 the Raccombat Guidelines on incorporating tolerance and mutual respect in language tuition and social orientation of refugees and migrants and selected best practices were presented and discussed during a workshop organized at the University of…

RACCOMBAT training in Romania

The RACCOMBAT training in Bucharest, Romania gathered participants from institutions and organisations with competencies in refugees’ and migrants integration in Romania. The seminar started with an overview presentation of the project and continued with topics such as: individual and collective…

RACCOMBAT training in Latvia

On 9 April 2019 PROVIDUS organised a training on the inclusion of principles of tolerance and mutual respect in integration support activities. This training was an opportunity to find out more about theoretical and practical aspects of non-discrimination, presented by…

RACCOMBAT training in Greece

The RACCOMBAT workshop in Greece on combating racism and xenophobia through social orientation practices took place in Athens on 28 March 2019. The aim of the workshop was to present the guidelines drafted under the project, to discuss identified good…

RACCOMBAT training in Austria

The RACCOMBAT training in Austria took place in Vienna, in the premises of Municipal Department for Integration and Diversity on 9 April 2019. Ms Ursula Eltayeb provided an introduction into the city of Vienna’s services for newcomers, how these services…

RACCOMBAT training in Bulgaria

On 2 April 2019 the Center for the Study of Democracy held a national training seminar on integration of foreigners, social orientation and counteracting racism and xenophobia. The seminar was part of the RACCOMBAT initiative, tackling the social orientation of…

RACCOMBAT final conference

On 15 May 2019 the Center for the Study of Democracy held the RACCOMBAT international conference devoted to integration of foreigners and the prevention of racism, xenophobia and intolerance. The conference gathered representatives of social services, the Employment Agency, the…

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