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Analysing social orientation in Greece

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There are no statistics available on the number of people covered by Greek language courses, the only form of social orientation foreigners get so far. Nevertheless, due to its limited extent the programme covers only a very small proportion of the total non-national population that are residing in Greece and thus has a very limited ability to effect on the overall integration process. Law and fundamental rights components are not part of curriculum for non-nationals in Greece. Thus, a holistic approach to immigration and refugee issues, with long-term planning regarding their integration across the country is essential due to the refugee crisis and the large number of non-nationals currently residing in Greece. A strategic plan should be designed and coordinated by the Ministry of Migration and implemented by NGOs, private and/or public organisations according to their expertise and capacity. In terms of the social integration, value and orientation courses for refugees and subsidiary protection status holders should be established. By all these means discrimination, xenophobia and social exclusion would be combatted by strengthening the process of non-nationals gradual integration in the Greek society.

Report: Analysing social orientation in Greece (in English)

Report: Analysing social orientation in Greece (in Greek)

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