Self study integration materials – the Netherlands
Based on the existing solid terms of what civic integration should include, a variety of (self) study materials have been developed in the Netherlands, allowing people to study for the civic integration exam, and thus improving their knowledge of Dutch society. Whereas in other countries, materials are sometimes created ad hoc by teachers and schools and not freely accessible, the Netherlands has a wide array of possibilities to choose from – both recently revised methodologies and online schooling possibilities. Some recent titles include:
De Graaf, Willemijn (2018) “TaalCompleet KNM Kennis van de Nederlandse Maatschappij”
Gathier, Marilene (2015) “Welkom in Nederland, kennis van de Nederlandse maatschappij voor het inburgeringsexamen”
Koot, Nelleke (2017) “Bagage”
There are also online self-study materials, paid and free of charge.