Mapping social orientation in Portugal
Both public (national or local) and private entities, including NGOs, may be responsible for providing social orientation in Portugal as no restrictions to this end are imposed by law. Different funding frameworks are in place, including the European Social Fund (ESF), the Asylum, Migration and Integration Fund (AMIF) and the European Fund for the Integration of Third-Country Nationals. The report on social orientation in Portugal looks at three national level initiatives developed by public entities. The first is ‘Programme Portuguese for All’ provided by public schools and by the public employment services. The second is ‘Programme Mentors for Migrants’ and the third is the ‘Welcome Kit for Refugees’ both of which provided by the High Commission for Migrations. Two other initiatives are developed by private providers. ‘Integra+’ is carried out by the Jesuit Refugee Service within their wider range of activities towards immigrant and refugees. As for ‘Course Living in a different culture’ it is carried out by an academic research centre with the purpose of promoting and facilitating the integration of non-national people into the Portuguese society.