Other good practices in social orientation – short reviews
This additional overview of good practices in social orientation presents practices from several EU Member States outside the initiative consortium…
Guidelines on incorporating tolerance and mutual respect in language tuition and social orientation of refugees and migrants
Increased migration flows have been profoundly impacting European States and their policies in the last few years. Fears and hostility…
Good practices in social orientation – collection
Within the framework of the RACCOMBAT project, the present collection gathers 15 promising practices from various EU Member States in…
Welcoming programme – Estonia
The Estonian Welcoming Programme is implemented in Tallinn, Tartu and Narva by a company, contracted by the Ministry of the…
InLT – Lithuania
The Refugee and Migrant Integration Centre InLT is situated in Kaunas and is implemented by the Lithuanian Red Cross Society.…
Social mentors – Latvia
The support of social workers and social mentors for asylum seekers and status holders in Latvia is implemented by Society…
REACT_RO – Romania
REACT_RO are educational resources for learning Romanian language and cultural adjustment, implemented in Bucharest, Timisoara, Somcuta, Radauti, Galati and Giurgiu. The…
Weichenstellwerk – Graz
The initiative is implemented by Association Gemeinsam Sicher (Safe Together) and the Municipality of Graz. Initially, there was a lot…
Start Wien
Start Wien is aimed at quick orientation and sharing of important information in the target group's mother tongues, support in…
miHUB – Cyprus
Migrant Information Centres (MIC) – miHUB - have been implemented and supported by University of Nicosia, Cyprus University of Technology…
Metadrasi – Greece
Greek language courses have been offered in Athens by the organisation METAdrasi. Since September 2010, METAdrasi has been active in teaching…
Self study integration materials – the Netherlands
Based on the existing solid terms of what civic integration should include, a variety of (self) study materials have been…
DISCRI Wallonia
The database has been developed by DISCRI - a small organisation that assists the eight regional integration centres in Wallonia…
Welcome to Antwerp
The Welcome to Antwerp App is implemented by Atlas Antwerpen - an integration and civic integration centre that provides information…
Talk with me
The initiative Talk with Me – Voluntary Language Mentors for Refugees was implemented on local level in Bulgaria, Germany and…
Bread Houses Network
The Bulgarian NGO International Council for Cultural Centres, Bread Houses Network (BHN) Programme, has been organising collective bread making and…
My place – Romania
In Bucharest, JRS Romania has implemented My Place - a multifunctional cultural centre serving as a bridge for integrating third…
Human rights education and gender-based violence prevention – Bulgaria
Throughout 2018, within the project We Play and Learn, Caritas Sofia, supported by UNICEF Bulgaria, has implemented human rights education…
Newsletter 1
Preventing and Combating Racism and Xenophobia through Social Orientation of Non-Nationals
Analysing social orientation in Romania
In terms of potential of social orientation courses/modules in Romania to install culture of respect to law, zero tolerance to…
Analysing social orientation in Austria
The concept and curricula of the obligatory AIF social orientation courses and value workshops in Austria have been subject of…
Analysing social orientation in Greece
There are no statistics available on the number of people covered by Greek language courses, the only form of social…
Analysing social orientation in Belgium
In Flanders, the ability and the capacity of the social orientation system to raise awareness and to effectively equip beneficiaries…
Analysing social orientation in Bulgaria
Current sporadic social orientation efforts in Bulgaria do not show sufficient capacity to counter racist and xenophobic acts either in…
Mapping social orientation in the Netherlands
The overview of social orientation in the Netherlands concentrates on the civic integration policy focusing on the integration of migrants…
Mapping social orientation in Portugal
Both public (national or local) and private entities, including NGOs, may be responsible for providing social orientation in Portugal as…
Mapping social orientation in Lithuania
In Lithuania, the implementation of immigrant and refugee integration policy was and still is based on the project-based activities, related…
Mapping social orientation in Estonia
In Estonia, there are no social orientation courses available for persons seeking international protection. There is only one social orientation…
Mapping social orientation in Germany
In Germany, social orientation courses are held within the scope of integration courses. The courses are the responsibility of the…
Mapping social orientation in Cyprus
The National Action Plan 2014-2020 for Asylum and Migration (2016) identifies the Priority for Education and Language Learning. However, formal…
Mapping social orientation in Latvia
Social orientation activities in Latvia are provided in the framework of societal integration policy according to Guidelines on National Identity,…
Mapping social orientation in Romania
Romania has had legislation in the field of integration since 2004, giving responsibilities to various ministries and the local authorities.…
Mapping social orientation in Austria
In the autumn of 2015, as a result of the refugee flows, the Austrian Parliament decided to establish value and…
Mapping social orientation in Greece
As from 2015, Greece experienced an unprecedented influx of migrants and refugees. Until March 2016, Greece being a transit country…
Mapping social orientation in Belgium
In the federal state of Belgium, where a number of policy domains are legislated by the regions or communities, integration and…
Mapping social orientation in Bulgaria
Apart from providing information to asylum seekers about their rights and obligations within the international protection application procedure, Bulgaria offers…