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Welcoming programme – Estonia

The Estonian Welcoming Programme is implemented in Tallinn, Tartu and Narva by a company, contracted by the Ministry of the Interior of Estonia. Local municipalities, universities, NGOs and entrepreneurs are considered consulting partners. In 2014, Estonia did not yet have…


InLT – Lithuania

The Refugee and Migrant Integration Centre InLT is situated in Kaunas and is implemented by the Lithuanian Red Cross Society. A Refugee Day Centre in Kaunas was established already in 2004 with an aim to facilitate integration of beneficiaries of…

miHUB – Cyprus

Migrant Information Centres (MIC) – miHUB - have been implemented and supported by University of Nicosia, Cyprus University of Technology and CARDET. The aim of the project is the provision of information and psychosocial services to migrants that reside in…

Talk with me

The initiative Talk with Me – Voluntary Language Mentors for Refugees was implemented on local level in Bulgaria, Germany and Romania, by, respectively, Tulip Foundation, Bulgaria, Gemeinsam leben & lernen in Europa, Germany and Centrul de Voluntariat Cluj-Napoca, Romania. The main…

Mapping social orientation in the Netherlands

The overview of social orientation in the Netherlands concentrates on the civic integration policy focusing on the integration of migrants present in the Netherlands. Immigrants are invited or obliged to learn Dutch and to learn about life in the Netherlands.…

About Background

Mapping social orientation in Portugal

Both public (national or local) and private entities, including NGOs, may be responsible for providing social orientation in Portugal as no restrictions to this end are imposed by law. Different funding frameworks are in place, including the European Social Fund…

Mapping social orientation in Lithuania

In Lithuania, the implementation of immigrant and refugee integration policy was and still is based on the project-based activities, related to EU funding. Thus, NGOs are key stakeholders implementing immigrant and refugee integration policies and providing integration measures, including social…

News Background

Mapping social orientation in Estonia

In Estonia, there are no social orientation courses available for persons seeking international protection. There is only one social orientation programme, which is the adaptation programme organised by the state. It is voluntary for foreign nationals who have legally resided…

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